FPGA vs ASIC Calculator

FPGA vs. ASIC calculator is free and available live on HardwareBee website. The FPGA vs ASIC calculator is simple to use and will help you decide whether to use FPGA or ASIC in your product.


Fill in the ASIC NRE cost as follows:


Development NRE – cost of the ASIC development efforts (engineers and EDA tools)

Maskset NRE – cost of maskset and MPW required for wafer production

IP NRE – total cost of all IPs needed for the ASIC (for example: PLL, A/D, SERDES, etc)

Package NRE – cost of package design and tooling

Test NRE – the cost of the test solution (wafer sort,  final test).

Unit Cost – cost of the ASIC unit in production

Lifetime Volume – the number of ASICs you plan to produce over the entire project lifetime


Fill in the FPGA NRE cost as follows:


Development NRE – cost of the FPGA development efforts (engineers)

IP NRE – total cost of all IPs needed for the FPGA (for example: HDLC, Video Compression etc)

Unit Cost – cost of the FPGA unit in production

Lifetime Volume – the number of FPGAs you plan to produce over the entire project lifetime