Infineon Achieves Milestone with Kulim 200mm SiC Fab Phase 1 Completion

June 13, 2024

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Infineon Technologies has reached a significant milestone by completing the first phase of its 200mm Silicon Carbide (SiC) power fab in Kulim, Malaysia. This achievement marks a crucial step forward in the company's strategic plans for expanding its production capabilities.

With the official opening of the Kulim 3 fab module scheduled for August, Infineon aims to commence SiC production by the end of 2024. The fab's establishment is a key component of a $100 billion initiative by the Malaysian government to enhance chip manufacturing within the country, positioning Malaysia as a prominent player in the global semiconductor industry.

The installation of production tools for the SiC lines is currently underway, with the fab being designed to accommodate the requirements of newer tool types, varying volumes, and evolving structural specifications. This adaptability underscores Infineon's commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements and meeting the demands of a dynamic market.

Infineon is set to engage in a competitive battle with Wolfspeed for the distinction of operating the world's largest 200mm fab. While specific details regarding planned capacity remain undisclosed by both companies, the rivalry between Infineon and Wolfspeed adds an element of excitement to the semiconductor landscape, driving innovation and progress within the industry.

Furthermore, the recent approval of funding for the world's inaugural integrated SiC wafer plant and volume fab by ST Microelectronics in Catania, Italy, following the successful installation of a pilot line, signifies a broader trend towards the advancement of SiC technology on a global scale. This development highlights the growing significance of SiC in enabling next-generation electronic devices and systems.

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