FPGA DAC Overview

25/03/2021, hardwarebee

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FPGAs are widely known to be high performance chips that are well optimized for the implementation of programmable System on Chip. A recent addition to FPGA technology prove to be of great benefit: DACs. DACs are Digital to Analog Converters. As understood by the name, these are devices that receive digital type signals and convert them into analog signals.


If you are familiar with FPGAs, you know that they are all digital. So how exactly are these digital signals converted into analog voltage? The digital signals on the FPGA remain digital until they get to the output stage. Here, they are converted to an DAC block.



An DAC is enhancing an FPGA capability and giving it an ability to start generating analog signals.  This allows FPGAs to enter new markets, for example. Audio, wireless, sensors and more.



You will find that the applications of FPGA DACs reach far and wide. For example, one of the most basic and popular uses of these chips is with audio devices. These are also used for many automotive applications as well as to provide motor control over devices. Other applications include the likes of instrumentation and control systems as well as actuators that are voltage controlled.

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