The Netherlands introduces ChipNL Competence Centre

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December 23, 2024

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The kick-off of the ChipNL Competence Centre this week marks an additional impulse to boost the innovation and capabilities of the Dutch semiconductor industry

Established in alignment with the EU Chips Act, the Centre should advance technological capabilities and foster innovation in the Dutch semiconductor ecosystem. The European Commission and the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) have jointly allocated a budget of 12 million euros for the next four years to the new ChipNL Competence Centre.

his four year project aims to strengthen the Dutch semiconductor industry by stimulating innovation, collaboration and talent development and enhance the global competitiveness of the Netherlands and Europe in semiconductor technologies. The ChipNL Competence Centre is part of the European Chips Act. Within this, the European Competence Centres function as national hubs for research, development and cooperation between industry, government and knowledge institutions. They should contribute to accelerating innovation and technological solutions, stimulating talent development and strengthening the European value chain in semiconductors.

Read further here.

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