Voice Neuromorphic Front End Evaluation Kit

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July 23, 2024

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POLYN Technology has recently unveiled the NeuroVoice Evaluation Kit, now available for general use, aimed at enhancing smart voice control in noisy environments. This comprehensive evaluation kit features the product's digital twin, accessible online, along with evaluation boards equipped with a dedicated user interface.

NeuroVoice represents a cutting-edge Neuromorphic Front End (NFE) product line designed for voice detection, voice control, and clear communication in challenging, noisy settings. Leveraging Neuromorphic Analog Signal Processing (NASP) technology, this hardware innovation has been nominated for the prestigious Embedded Awards 2024. The analog design of NASP endows it with remarkable attributes such as ultra-low power consumption ranging between 35-100 microwatts and minimal inference latency of just a few microseconds.

The NeuroVoice Smart Microphone and Smart Voice Control with Word Pattern Extraction evaluation boards feature a digital simulation of the neural core mirroring the IC version. These boards operate with live audio signals, enabling users to assess the neural cores in real-time under varying conditions. Additionally, they offer the Software Development Kit (SDK) for word classifier uptrain to cater to specific Keyword Spotting (KWS) requirements.

The NeuroVoice evaluation board serves as a valuable tool for potential customers to initiate the design process for intelligent voice management systems, even prior to chip availability. Moreover, the online digital twin, known as the D-MVP Portal, is a web application meticulously crafted to simulate the neural network's operation, facilitating testing and customization of the NASP model to align with customer needs.

The testing process entails uploading diverse audio files, subjecting them to Voice Activity Detection (VAD), Voice Enhancement (VE), and Speech-to-Text (SVC) neural cores, and generating results ready for playback and analysis. Eugene Zetserov, POLYN's Vice President of Marketing and Business Development, emphasized the significance of the NeuroVoice Evaluation Kit, stating, "The SDK allows potential customers to delve into new product development without incurring chip manufacturing costs."

Zetserov further highlighted the slow adoption of Edge AI due to challenges like intricate integration of novel hardware and software crucial for successful implementation. He emphasized that the Evaluation Kit effectively addresses these concerns. NASP's unique support for cloudless AI on IoT devices ensures privacy and sustainability, enabling POLYN to facilitate the seamless deployment of edge AI computing across various real-world IoT applications.

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